You're a Self-Sufficient Ninja!
You’ve significantly reduced the impact of your household on the environment and no doubt are benefitting from improved health, extra cash in your wallet and the freedom of not being under the supermarket spell.
While these are all fabulous benefits, take care not to obsess about self-sufficiency to the point where it causes you stress or impacts your relationship with family or close friends (not everyone likes a Self Sufficient Show-Off!).
Most importantly, be sure to take some time out to reflect on all your great work and treat yourself to a break or meal out occasionally (heeellllooo organic day spa!!)
Self-sufficiency is a journey, not a destination and we all can do that little bit more. If you’d like ongoing support, friendship with likeminded eco-souls and access to a range of sustainable living experts, Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs may be perfect for you! Join here.