
Self-Sufficiency in the Suburbs

Living today without harming tomorrow


You know that gnawing feeling you keep getting in your stomach?

The one you get when you're at the supermarket checkout, and notice your weekly grocery shop has jumped up by $50...

Or when your kids are bouncing off the walls uncontrollably after a meal...

Or when you cook dinner, and realise you've got a whole bagful of wrappers and rubbish leftover after just one meal....

Or when your child has broken out in blotches just after you've covered them in lotion, and you notice the slew of 6-syllable ingredients plastered on the label...

Or when you realise that the strawberries you've just been wolfing down were shipped in from Peru...

Moments like these make you squirm with discomfort.
You feel frustrated. Powerless. Out of alignment.
And the same thought keeps popping into your head, over and over again:

‘Surely there’s a better way to live than this… right?’


Our fast-paced world places more value on convenience than integrity.


We’re constantly bombarded with flashy new convenience ‘foods' that our grandmothers wouldn’t even recognise as edible.

Our homes keep filling up with stuff (plastic toys, random appliances, clothes we don’t even wear) faster than we can declutter them.

Our kids are growing up with their eyes glued to electronic devices, believing that milk comes from a carton, and that veggies grow on plastic-wrapped trays.

Then, of course, there’s the waste…

It’s cheaper to buy a new kettle than it is to replace the tiniest part on your old one.
New purchases arrive swaddled in packaging — the box filled with more polystyrene than product.

And the supposedly ‘fresh’ produce you get from the grocery store goes off in a ridiculously short period of time, leaving you feeling slightly sick as you toss yet another bag of slimy spinach in the trash.


Of course, all this ‘convenience’

comes at a cost…

We pay a small fortune every week at large supermarket chains that care more about their bottom line than they do about their customer’s health, the environment, or small, independent producers trying to do the right thing.

And that’s not even the biggest price we’re paying. Not by a long shot…
We’re not as happy as we used to be. Rates of depression are through the roof, and way too many of us are rushing through life feeling a vague sense of dissatisfaction that we can’t quite put our fingers on.

Most of us are carrying excess kilos we can’t seem to shift, there are more allergies and intolerances than ever before, and feelings of fatigue are the new norm.

Basically, we're suffering a whole host of health issues that all stem from a sedentary lifestyle combined with a diet full of fake foods that our bodies don’t even recognise.

And on top of that, we’re slowly pushing this beautiful planet of ours to breaking point, with very little thought for the future…

It’s enough to make you want to run away to a commune in a forest, just to recover a little of the simplicity you crave.

Then, of course, you come to your senses and remember that that’s not realistic: Your life is here, in the suburbs.

Which means the mindful, meaningful life you dream of simply

isn’t possible... Or is it?

What if there was a way to live a beautiful, sustainable life, WITHOUT having to escape to the countryside, or turn your back on the modern world?

With Self-Sufficiency in the Suburbs it’s completely possible…

And you can do it right here, right now, as part of your ordinary, everyday life. Still not convinced?

Picture this…

Imagine being able to cook dinner each night from produce you grew in your very own garden (even if you don’t have a green thumb!).

Imagine your kids growing up with a deep respect for nature – planting seeds, plucking juicy tomatoes straight off the vine, then helping you prepare delicious seasonal meals with them.

Imagine insuring your household against the rising cost of living by making a series of small tweaks that slash your energy bill and your weekly grocery bill by up to half. (And for those savings to continue, year after year after year...)

Imagine being able to break free from the tyranny of multinational supermarkets,
knowing you can easily (and affordably) source everything you need from sustainable suppliers.

Imagine not having to take your rubbish out once a week, because your household simply doesn’t produce waste anymore.

Imagine being part of a bustling community that not only *gets* what you’re trying to do, but that cheers you on and supports you every step of the way.

Imagine living your life deeply in tune with the seasons, feeling like you’re truly a part of nature, not completely divorced from it.

Imagine the deep glow of confidence that comes from knowing you’re living your truth, and doing good for the planet – every single day of your life.

Imagine living a lifestyle that not only made you happy and proud, but that made your family grow and THRIVE like never before.

Now imagine enjoying all of that WITHOUT having to run away to a commune, give up your weekends, or renounce the modern luxuries that make life worth living.

Not only is this all possible with Self-Sufficiency in the Suburbs, it’s also easy, enjoyable, and downright fun...


Laura is an absolutely trusted resource for me about creating a sustainable home and caring for the environment. Laura is not only well qualified academically as a Sustainable Living educator, but her personal experience as a mother ‘walking her talk’ creates an authentic connection with readers and clients. Best of all, she shares this important information in a warm, non- judgmental way that is accessible to those of us who don’t have an academic science background.

Pinky McKay, IBCLC lactation consultant and best-selling baby care author.


Laura continues to inspire me through her commitment to developing high quality, important resources that help Australians reduce their impact and improve their quality of life. In a world where eco "resources" abound, it can be hard to sift the wheat from the chaff. Highly committed to advocacy of eco-conscious living, and with two environmental degrees to back her up, Laura Trotta is the Australian authority on authentic sustainable living."

Eva Van Striip, Owner of Oz Baby Trends and Founding Member of the Australian Nappy Association.


Laura has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to sustainable living. She is very approachable and supportive with every enquiry or concern.  The quality of her courses are of professional standards and are very reasonably priced.

Allison Shaw, NSW


Laura’s eco-living courses are absolute value for money! The modules are very easy to follow, especially for someone getting started in sustainable living. Laura is great, so much knowledge and always responsive to questions. Great community to be part of as well, very positive and encouraging! I’m so happy that I signed up to create a healthier environment for my family!

Annemarie Janssens, New Zealand


So what exactly is Self-Sufficiency in the Suburbs?

In short, it’s a member’s-only online club that will help you live a more self-sufficient life in our modern world.

This exclusive club combines practical tools + insanely useful how-to’s, with a gorgeous community of like-minded souls, to support you as you journey towards a better, simpler, more sustainable way of living.

Your membership includes exclusive and unlimited access to:


7 Modules of Self-Sufficiency Training

This is where I share my secrets and strategies to set you up for self-sufficiency success. You’ll not only learn the basics of topics like wholefoods, organic gardening, and reducing your household waste, you’ll also get the insider-info on how to practically gain the independence and freedom to break up with your supermarket. (Includes videos, audios, and PDF workbooks.)


The Self Sufficiency Sisterhood

This sort of lifestyle change doesn’t happen overnight – you need a tribe to support you.That’s why the private online community is such an essential part of this program. We’re here to share the journey, celebrate your wins, problem-solve your frustrations, and be your ‘sisters in arms’ along the way. Prepare for cheekiness, inspiration, and fun!


Our Community Recipe Index

Unlimited access to the community’s searchable index of wholefood recipes, so you never again have to wonder what to do with those excess zucchinis from your garden, or that wilted bunch of herbs in your crisper drawer!


Monthly Self-Sufficiency Challenge

Join your self-sufficiency sisters in the challenge I set each month, and be in with a chance to score some fantastic eco prizes and continue your self-sufficient success! (Monthly winners are also showcased on the blog!)


Guest Interviews and Expert Masterclasses

You're invited to participate in live training sessions on topics that are most important to you. Includes sessions with visiting experts, as well as masterclasses with Laura on advanced self-sufficiency strategies.


Checklists and How-To Guides

On everything from fermenting your own food to installing solar power, to setting up a chicken coup (with new content added each month).


The Self-Sufficiency Tick of Approval!

Get access to my ever-expanding list of eco-friendly products, and suppliers that you can feel CONFIDENT buying from. (I’ve done all the hard yards for you, and am constantly updating this incredibly useful resource!)


VIP Discounts and Give-Aways

Get priority access and discounts to all my programs and digital products PLUS exclusive discounts from our preferred eco suppliers. (PS, I love throwing surprises at my tribe, so be prepared to be treated like a VIP! 😉


‘Office hours’ for all your burning questions

Chat with me – Laura Trotta – in the Facebook forum each week. I’ll be there to answer your questions, provide advice, and give feedback on whatever’s keeping you stuck.

Join our heart-fuelled community!

And get exclusive access to how-to guides, training videos, recipes, challenges, guest experts, webinars, and so much more!

Join NOW and take advantage of your 30-day trial for just $7. 

There’s no contracts and no hoop jumping – because we understand that circumstances can change, you can cancel your membership at any time.

Here’s what we cover in the training modules…

Module 1


How to run a self-sufficient household

These are the essential foundations that will get you up and running in no time. This module covers how to get your partner and kids on board, the secret to running a self-sufficient home, and how to find the time to do it all!

Module 2


Beyond wholefoods

Discover the Self-Sufficient Diet and learn how to become an ‘ecotarian’. You’ll get access to all my favourite ecotarian recipes and meal planners, plus you’ll learn how to set up your pantry, what to do with leftovers, and how to make the most of your fresh produce.

Module 3


Get into the garden!

Amazing insights on preparing your soil, planting, maintenance and more, to ensure that even non-green thumbs can experience an amazing yield. (Includes the best things to plant in each season, fail-proof options to get you started, and the best way to get your kids or grandkids involved.)

Module 4


Your waste-free home

You won’t believe how little waste you’ll produce after implementing these simple strategies. (Includes the problem with plastics, how to become a mindful consumer, how to instil this philosophy in your kids, and 10 ways to cut your food waste.)

Module 5


Your resource-savvy home

This is where you can make some seriously impressive savings (to your wallet AND the planet!) with only a few key tweaks. Includes ingenious ways to save water, what you need to know before installing solar, and how to easily save energy in your home (without compromising your lifestyle).

Module 6


Becoming a Conscious Consumer

If you’ve been popping down to the grocery store five times a week for your whole adult life, the thought of not being reliant on it can seem like a far-off pipe-dream… But it’s much easier than you think! In this module, you’ll learn how to purchase sustainably, how to find a co-op near you, and the things you can IMMEDIATELY delete from your shopping list (with recipes for my all-natural, super-effective alternatives).

Bonus Module


Productive Pets!

Because we’re in suburbs, we can’t have everything our country cousins have. But there are some suburban-friendly pets who can double as contributors to your household. In this bonus module, you’ll discover everything you need to know about keeping chickens, starting a worm farm, becoming a suburban aquaculture expert, and cultivating a bee-friendly garden.

All of this training is incredibly useful, but let it be said: What you get out of this program is so much more than just learning how to cook, or garden, or save a few hundred bucks on your bills each month…

When I first got serious about living the self-sufficient lifestyle, I thought that I’d feel lighter, cleaner and more aligned…

And that definitely happened – more quickly than I ever anticipated.

Within months, the excess weight that had been creeping up on me disappeared – almost effortlessly. My skin cleared up, I had bounce-out-of-bed energy, and our whole family was feeling better than they ever had before.

And although these changes to our health (not to mention the hefty savings on our energy and grocery bills) were incredibly gratifying, they weren’t even the best part…

I didn’t realise how insanely satisfying it would be to raise our children with this self-sufficient philosophy.

I LOVE that my kids are growing up knowing where their food comes from and understanding their impact on the earth. It’s so thrilling to see them potter around in the garden, to be curious in the kitchen, to ask questions and be interested and get so involved in the process… Knowing that we’ve created a lifestyle that’s teaching them to be engaged, empowered citizens of the planet is simply the best feeling in the world.

In fact, it’s that feeling that made me determined to share this knowledge as far and wide as I could…

With Self-Sufficiency in the Suburbs, what you’re REALLY getting is…




A Legacy for
the future

And, of course, all of this is accompanied by a like-minded community who’ll support you every step of the way…

There are 3 big questions everybody asks about Self-Sufficiency in the Suburbs:

This   program   is   for   you   if...

  • You’re feeling called to create a better life for you and your family, but don’t know where to start.
  • You’d love to be able to feed your family tasty, organic produce straight from the garden (but you don’t want to have to spend your entire weekend knee-deep in mulch to do it!)
  • You often feel guilty when you have to throw away yet another bag of wilted spinach or another plate of uneaten leftovers – mindful consumption is important to you.
  • You wish you had more control over the food you put in your mouth, the products you put on your skin, and the chemicals you clean your house with.
  • You want to instil in your children or grandchildren a deep respect for where food comes from, how to live mindfully, how to respect the planet, and how to live their values.
  • You’d love to reduce your grocery bill. And your electricity bill… For good!
  • You’d like to be less reliant on supermarkets and multi-nationals; you’re really interested in the best way to go slow, local and sustainable.
  • You wish you had a reliable source for information you could trust – like which companies you can feel good about buying from, which plants are worth the effort to grow, and which actions will really make the most impact on your life and the planet…

Sound like your cup of organic chai? We’d love to have you aboard!

Member   resources   at   a   glance…


Here’s what people have to say about my programs


I can’t recommend Laura’s e-courses enough! My family is benefiting from improved health (including that my children’s eczema has disappeared!) and improved sleep. I’ve also noticed HUGE cost savings and less dependency on the grocery store. Our life has been enriched far, far beyond replacing household products!

Jodie Wakefield, WA


You have helped get back on track with the eco-values I had years ago but had lost along the way due to the busy-ness of family life. I feel confident that your knowledge is sound, safe and to be trusted and I love the way you share this. Your courses have provided me with knowledge above and beyond what was expected, and the opportunity to be part of such a warm, caring and inspiring community forever.

Julie Landon, NSW



Laura’s eco-living e-courses have provided me with the knowledge and the tools to make my home a beautiful, healthy place. The value for money is exceptional and the guidance amazing. Laura is always happy to help with any problem or question I’ve had.  Finding Laura and her eco-living e-courses was one of the best days of my life. I can’t thank her enough for her time and effort.

Lauren Vilimovsky, NSW



As a naturopath and a mum I’m passionate about the health of my family and am always looking for ways to clean up our environment and improve our wellbeing. I felt like I had hit the jackpot when I found Laura and her eco-living ecourses. Laura is not just another online “Guru”! She knows her stuff! She is qualified in environmental engineering and science and has a knack for translating scientific jargon into easily understandable language that anyone can make sense of. She radiates passion for creating a healthy home and you can’t help but become excited about what she teaches!

Jessica Donovan, Naturopath, www.energeticmama.com


Join now, cancel any time

Join now and enjoy your 30-day trial for just $7.

Decide whether to continue your membership on a quarterly or annual (best value!!) basis.

There’s no contracts and no hoop jumping – because we understand that circumstances can change, you can end your membership at any time.


Hi — I'm Laura.

I'm an experienced environmental engineer, mum of two, and a multi award-winning sustainability educator. I'm all about helping real people live ‘greener' lives and love inspiring and guiding others to reduce their impact on the environment – even if it means starting out with the tiniest of baby-steps.

My approach to protecting the planet is practical, to say the least! After living in Outback South Australia for 13 years, our family became increasingly self-sufficient over time. These days I live in the suburbs and continue to combine my professional skills in sustainability with the realities of motherhood and running a household to figure out what works, what has the biggest impact... and what’s not worth your precious time.

I firmly believe that like-minded folk who band together can change the world, which is why I'm SO excited to bring you this online community, where you’ll find everything you need — from information to inspiration to unwavering support — to create a lifestyle that’s more self-sufficient... no matter who you are, where you live, or how crazy life gets!

I can’t wait to share all my secrets with you — so grab a cuppa, settle in, and come join us for the ride!

As Seen In:



Self-Sufficiency in the Suburbs is about helping you live in a way that does good & that feels good.

It’s about embracing age-old wisdom, while being part of the modern world.

It’s about creating a revolution of mindful consumption,
one tiny tweak at a time.

Quite simply, it’s about creating a better way of life for you, your family, and the earth.

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BONUS: Home Detox Boot Camp ($297 value)

Join Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs NOW and after 90 days of membership we'll unlock the award-winning Home Detox Boot Camp for you!

Home Detox Boot Camp guides you step-by-step through the process of creating a healthy, chemical free home. You'll learn how to switch conventional household cleaners, pest control and even beauty products for toxin-free, sustainable varieties and you'll be empowered to make your own using my simple, trusted recipes.

Hundreds of Home Detox alumni have improved the health of themselves, their families and our environment by applying teachings from this course and you can too!

Home Detox Boot Camp is yours for FREE for as long as you remain a Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs member!

Join NOW!

$7 for your 30-day trial


$77/ quarter OR $197/ year 

(SAVE $100 - usually $297/ year)

Because we understand that circumstances can change, you can end your membership at any time.

*All charges are in AUD and include GST for Australian residents

30-day $7 Trial Offer Ends In....


Are you ready for a more meaningful life